
Friday, April 12, 2013

late night lust

My fondness of the late night spawns from many things.

  1. I get the most inspiration between the hours of 1 and 4 in the night (morning?) 
  2. Taco Bell Fourth Meal
  3. It seems like life is most serene during that particular time
  4. And speed running through a season of your current TV obsession and realizing you've wasted 5+ hours emotionally invested into the lives of fictitious characters. It's even worse when those characters are cartoons. Currently it's a re-watch of Daria. The girl is the best kind of deadpan. 

It just so happens to be that during this time of night is when I come up with my somewhat better ideas, my writing skill seems to improve by a few points, and I feel the need to navigate through any and everything that is google-able. When I die, can I be buried with my secrets that is in the history of my search bar?

Enough with the rambling, here are the shoes that I am absolutely lusting over.. late.. at night.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Legging

I hated the legging.

Then, the word itself made me cringe. When the legging made its revival to everyday fashion in the mid-to-late 2000s (mind you I was just a wee middle schooler then, just getting started with my love affair of street-style blogs and fashion editorials) I refused to wear them. I hated the way they were so tight and unforgiving, I hated the little floral lace designs they had at the end of them circa 2007, I hated the classic black ones, I hated the patterned. And most of all I had strong dislike of those who wore leggings without wearing a top that was long enough to cover their behinds and even worse the front. Actually to this day I still hate that.

This is not the case in 2013. In 2013, I adore the legging.

I guess at the time I never got the fuss of what was so great about them. I was a naive. I didn't start to incorporate them into my wardrobe until midway through high school, and it was very rare that I wore them. Fast forward to my freshman year of college and learning the horror that is 8AMs, I dared to pull out the one pair of all black leggings I owned and match it with my favorite oversized slouchy sweater and my worn pair of Doc Martens.

Thus began the love affair, and I have never looked back.

Since then my collection of leggings has grown tremendously from my all black staples, to patterns galore. Here are some of my favorites:

(1, 2, 3, 4)

Lets Hear It For The Legging (and my next venture The Trouser)!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

tumblr pickings numero tres

A collection of things from the past few weeks that i've found visually appealing or interesting in the past week*

*since I haven't done these in forever these span from longer than a week on my tumblr.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Campbell, Jeffery: FOXY

I have always envisioned that my first pair of Jeffery Campbell's would be the infamous Litas. I've been obsessed with them ever since they were the go to shoe for a fashion blogger to own. So I found it strange that my first heel splurge would be the JC Foxy.  Maybe it was the amazing deal I got (thanks SOLESTRUCK) or the thought of versatility I could have with the Foxy, but buying these heels just felt right. 

The delivery was speedy and the shoes came packaged beautifully in a custom designed box, which I assume to be a limited edition because I have never seen the design before. Wearing heels is nothing new to me. I'm almost positive I owned my first pair of kitten heels before I could formulate words, but I have never owned a platform prior to these. Comfort-wise these shoes are a God-send to anybody looking for a heel that will last you through the night. Breaking them in the first night was a breeze and every night after I felt as I could have easily been wearing sneakers. These is a perfect concert heel if you ever plan to dance the night away or just vibe to your favorite artist. These shoes just like the Litas are a great investment piece, and I recommend them to anybody who are thinking about wearing heels more often, or are looking for the perfect platform. So if you've been toying around with the idea of buying these, or any JC shoe in my opinion go ahead and take the plunge, they are great shoes and you'll be sure to make a ton of memories wearing them. I know I have.