
Thursday, January 10, 2013


I'll be honest.. I'm horrible at maintaining a regular schedule. Maybe that should be one of my new year's resolutions. So many things in my life have been hectic with the spring semester just days away and getting ready to go back on campus. I can't believe how fast break went by, and I even went home a week earlier than most. I'm going to try to get back to posting more soon, but with classes starting on Monday we'll see how that goes. I've been doing a lot of preparation for this semester with planning for a perfect (I use that word loosely) schedule and finding another way to balance the clubs and organizations I plan to join this semester. I know this semester is going to have it's ups and downs but i'm pretty confident going in, hopefully it goes as smooth as my first semester did. Anyway, hope all is well for everyone who is reading. 

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